Flex Swag

Like it or not we are in the customer service biz


Oh the number of times I’ve seen Flexers posting in comments terrible things about customers. Everything from calling them liars to accusing them of fraud. Like it or not my Flexers, we are in the customer service business and that means we are going to have to adopt a certain mindset.

That is if professionalism is anywhere on your list of priorities. If not, well I hope to change your mind because that’s one of the missions of Flex Swag. Read on my friends. It’s time to get good and go pro with this whole Independent Contractor deal.

Lets take a look at some of the most important rules of customer service from around the Web and see how it applies to us.

(Disclaimer: Im no customer service expert. This post isn’t meant to criticize. Simply to educate and explore the idea that being an Amazon Flex driver is a customer service position in many ways. I would love to hear your views in the comments if you agree or disagree.)

1) Smile

This one may sound cheesy but it’s important. Maybe your not the smiling type. At least pretend to enjoy what your doing. Everyone has problems of their own and they ain’t got the time to deal with the delivery guys. Not sure if you’ve noticed, but every single Amazon package label starts with the word “Smile”.

2) The Customer is Always Right

It’s not just a saying it’s a customer service golden rule. Amazon will always take the side of the customer. Have a package marked delivered and not received? Their going to side with the customer, every single time. If you’ve been Flexing long you know this unfortunate fact. Yes that means we have to deal with insensitive, disrespectful, and rude customers. Deal with them with a smile and don’t let them get to you.

3) Never Argue with Customers

With #2 in mind, this one should be obvious. For the love of all that is holy, don’t accuse a customer of being a lair. I see this way to much in the Amazon Flex groups. Sure a tiny portion may be trying to get free stuff from Amazon by saying they didn’t get a package. But most of them are decent working people like the rest of us. Just drop the idea that customers a lairs altogether. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Take your strike, and focus on how you can improve. Let’s take pride and responsibility in the work we do.

4) Be Positive

Look… Im a Flexer too. I know the struggle. Am I always smiling and happy go lucky? No of course not. When I encounter deliveries with no house numbers and it takes an extra 20 minutes to find it. Yes im secretly cursing the customer to myself. However I realize that this is part of the job. We should expect mishaps. Some days are worse than others. Staying positive is not only a great customer service rule. It’s a great life rule. I know it’s easier said than done some days but it’s always a choice. If you haven’t read The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle. Consider getting the audio book to listen to while on deliveries.

Click image for more info about this book on Amazon.

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

5) Take Pride in your Work

We’ve got nobody patting us on the back. No benefits, no promotions. Amazon will always take the customers side. We’re expendable, why should we care. Well… Have you ever been to a restaurant or another place where someone working is obviously hating their job? It’s not fun for anybody. Let’s take pride in our work. We are appreciated. Let’s be proud of the contribution we are making to the business. By taking pride in ourselves and in our work other good things are sure to follow. In case you haven’t been told lately, you are a badass, own it!

Click image to check this book out on Amazon.

Thank you guys. Appreciate you. Be safe out there.

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