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Amazon Flex’s Dirty Little Secret

If you’ve been around Amazon Flex long enough you have likely either heard of or suspected the existence of auto-tappers, bots, or people otherwise cheating the Flex app to get blocks with automation. This is unfortunately a very real problem with Amazon Flex. We’re not going to link them here but there are products, apps, software, and detailed instructions around the web designed to cheat the app. We do not encourage using automation to get blocks and we do not support it.

With a background in computer programming, I’ll be honest. The very first thing I thought of when using the Flex app was ways to automate it. That’s just how some people operate. They’re nerds, geeks, hackers, what have you and there’s nothing wrong with that. Without these people we wouldn’t be where we are today with technology.

If you’ve ever read or heard of “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python” by Al Sweigart you’ll know that the Flex app is begging to be automated. You don’t even need a book or programming knowledge to know this. Tapping for hours without results isn’t only boring it’s frustrating. Knowing that your competing against auto-tappers and it’s absolutely defeating.

The question undoubtedly then becomes why continue with this gig? Why try? and if you can’t beat them join them? Look I’m going to be honest with you. As previously stated we do not support, condone, recommend, or practice automation of the Flex app. However if you do, I don’t blame you. Reason being is because I don’t have a better solution for you to get blocks. This is a problem that Amazon needs to address.

For now us Flexers can only speculate on potential solutions. But the truth is we don’t know how the internals of the Flex app works. I have no doubt if there was a simple solution they would have implemented it. Even then hackers are always going to hack. That’s just the way it is and always has been. People will always find ways to cheat the app. It’s up to Amazon to take a stand against them and actively discourage people from cheating. Otherwise the problem will continue to run rampant.

Amazon Flex’s dirty little secret really isn’t much of a secret to us Flexers. We know all to well about it. We can speculate on solutions all we want, be mad all we want, but this wont help. It’s really up to Amazon if they want this gig to run honestly.

In the end, don’t get discouraged and don’t cheat. One day the cheaters will be deactivated and those who are honest will start taking in the work they deserve. Until then lets take steps to shine the light on Amazon Flex’s dirty little secret.

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