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Merging of Prime Now and Logistics – What it’s like

Is your area about to merge Prime Now and Logistics? This happened in Oregon a few months ago. There were some conflicting views and various pros and cons I’d like to share for those of you who are about to make the merge.

Lets imagine two cookie jars. Oatmeal and Chocolate Chip. You’ve got two groups of people. One group is only allowed to eat the oatmeal cookies the other group is only allowed to have the chocolate chip cookies. When one jar runs out that group isn’t allowed to eat from the other jar because they don’t have access to it. This allows for pretty good distribution of cookies. Both groups are relatively happy and well fed.

One day those rules are changed. Its announced that both groups will have access to both jars of cookies. Some people still stick with their original jar. They don’t like the other type of cookie. But now when their jar runs dry, they have the option of taking from the other. The former balance of cookie distribution has changed and the groups must adjust to this. This upsets the group.

When Prime Now is chocolate chip and logistics is outmeal, you see the delima. Prime Now is more competitive, in higher demand. Chocolate chip cookies are better than oatmeal. Prime Now blocks are harder to get and therefor people resort to tricky ways of getting them. This effects logistics drivers poorly. Their blocks are now being auto-tapped away by the Prime Now cookie monsters. Only to be spit back out when they’re discovered to be oatmeal.

The pros to the merge:

You get to try other types of cookies. If you can get one.

The Cons:

Its a cookie frenzy and some people are taking more then their fair share. Competition will increase and you might find yourself left with only crumbs and leftovers.

The balance will restore after a few weeks. The groups will adjust. But some people might decide to quit cookies altogether. Remember to always have other sources of cookies. The Amazon Flex cookie jar is volatile.

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