Flex SwagFlex Swag

Next Project – App Concept: Block Alert

Building Flex Utility has been such a challenge, out the the frustration came a lot of learning and fun. Now that it is nearing completion I’m looking into the next project. We’ll still be working on and improving Flex Utility  and may add more features in the future.

I follow several Amazon Flex groups on Facebook, Reddit, and others. People are always posting about when routes are available. It becomes a daily occurrence. Within my local group some people have expressed annoyance with this.

A possible solution I think may be an app that allows users to push notifications when routes are available. All users with the app will be able to get these alerts in real time. We could have users from all over helping fellow Flexers by letting them know when routes are up. Having it localized to a single app would be convenient. And with a simple push of a button anyone could push alerts.

Have you got any app ideas that could benefit Flex drivers? Let me know in the comments. Meanwhile consider joining the Flex Utility closed beta. Join the Google+ community here and you can get test access on Google Play.

Have a good one!

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