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Amazon Key – Why we Disagree!

Key… Disagree, we made rhyme. No but seriously. From a delivery persons perspective, we’re not loving the idea of opening customers front doors or the trunks of their cars. Lets discuss why.

The Forgetful Customer:

Happens all the time. Order something on Amazon, ten seconds later and totally forget about it. Having made thousands of deliveries we know the Forgetful Customer all to well. They’re the types that look at you all kinds of crazy when you arrive on their property.

Based on the newest ad video from Amazon for “Keyincar”, where packages are delivered directly to the customers trunk. Amazon seems to think everyone is happy-go-lucky with welcoming smiles all the time.


That’s nice Amazon. We appreciate you trying to paint the world as a perfect place. Where everyone is nice and welcoming and no body has a problem with strangers messing around in their trunk or front door.

The Reality:

So you live in the real world and not Amazon’s fantasy land of peace and tranquility? Well then, as a delivery person you’re no stranger to signs like the one above. Who would’ve thought that people don’t like strangers in unmarked vehicle’s and clothes messing about on their property? Amazon seems to be blissfully unaware of the Forgetful Customer Syndrome.

It’s a good idea for customers, but bad for the delivery people:

It’s no secret that Amazon is all about the customer. Obsessed even I think is the slogan (ya creeps). For the customer, getting packages delivered inside the home or car may sound convenient. We get it, the Amazon key is a pretty great idea for customer’s. For delivery people on the other hand, it’s a little frightening. Undoubtedly the time will come where the delivery person has to explain what the hell they’re doing opening the customer’s door or the trunk of their car. Imagine being put into that position every day. It’s not a fun time.

Amazon No, Quit It:

We understand the idea of Amazon Key. We know you just want to make things better for the customers. But you’re freaking everybody the hell out with this. Perhaps the world just ins’t ready for strangers to have access to their most personal property. Delivery people go through enough, please don’t make us open front doors and car trunks. Amazon… seriously, quit it.

Amazon looks at this face and sees customer convenience and ingenuity. As delivery people we know all to well. Our empathy allows us to see the concern she has. The worry of opening that door and all the possible scenarios, most of them bad.

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