Driving long hours can be exhausting. As Amazon Flex hustlers trying to maximize our earnings, we sometimes push ourselves to the limit. When we combine drowsing and distracted driving, it makes for a dangerous situation. Being on the road is a big responsibility. Knowing the facts is an important step in prevention. Lets look at the dangers of distracted and drowsy driving and simple ways to prevent it.
The numbers are alarming. With more than half of drivers admitting to drowsy driving you can bet the odds that you’ll be coming across one on the road are very good. This is why it’s so important to not drive while fatigued. The one thing on the road that you can control, is yourself.
You’ve got work to do, we get it. Look for these signs and take a break when symptoms arise.
Become a preventive driver. As professionals it’s our responsibility to know the signs, dangers, and preventative steps to take to reduce fatigued and distracted driving.
Stay Alert on the Road:
- Stay hydrated.
- Roll down the windows.
- Take a cold rag and wipe your face with it.
- Listen to engaging audio book or music.
- Have a healthy snack, like a bag of almonds
We appreciate ya. Stay safe, Flex on. Keep hustling!