It’s no longer speculation, drivers have confirmed with Amazon Flex support that the Refresh rate within the Amazon Flex app has been intentionally slowed down. Amazon claims “This is part of a continued effort to provide a better experience for drivers to view and accept offers”.
Responses to this have been mixed. It’s a bit of a controversy. One side claiming that this will hurt the legit drivers who don’t cheat. Others claiming that this is a good change and puts everyone on an even playing field.
We’ve got a different theory.
Bots are always going to be faster than humans. That’s what they’re for. Also bot users have the clear advantage of not needing to tap themselves. Tapping for blocks is boring and tedious. So users build bots to do it for them. None of these things are solved by slowing the refresh rate.
While some drivers have reported being able to get more blocks. We believe that the slowed refresh rate has nothing to do with it. What we theorize is that many cheaters have stopped for the time being. Due to the waves of emails coming out about the use of automated methods and several drivers being deactivated.
What is Amazon up too?
This is pure speculation, but our theory is that Amazon is about to deactivate a whole lot of people from participating in Amazon Flex. Why? Because slowing the refresh rate is going to make script users, bots, and cheaters stick out like a sore thumb!
Stop with the bots now!
Don’t say we didn’t warn you. It’s time to stop with the bots and cheats. Amazon has made it clear in their emails that the use of “automated methods, scripts or third-party apps violates the Amazon Flex Independent Contractor Terms of Service”. There are no more loop-holes. Stop now or face the consequences.
How IT people spot bots:
Amazon can detect cheaters by comparing real human data with that of suspected cheaters. Anyone who is tapping faster than humanly possible, forfeiting numerous blocks, and accepting them far faster than what is possible are about to get the boot. They have years of data to compare cheaters too. Slowing the refresh rate is going to make cheaters more easily detectable, and that, we believe is the real reason for the change. Time to knock it off.