Flex SwagFlex Swag

Amazon Flex Appeal – Seller-Services Scam

One of the top search results for the phrase “Amazon Flex Appeal” is the website seller-services. A site that claims to help Amazon Flex drivers with legal affairs. The business model is meant to prey on deactivated Flex drivers. Claiming to represent “Amazon account specialists”. Oh boy… Amazon lawyers, where you at?

Their Fee:

The cost of this fake service is only one easy payment of $529. They’re not even trying to be subtle.

Fake Reviews:

Over 200 positive reviews from TrustSpot! This has to be legit, right? Well we did a little snooping around. With a simple who-is lookup, we find that Seller-Services has reviews from before the website was ever created.

Fake Names:

Whats up with all these names with a b after the first letter. This pattern continues throughout all of their 200+ reviews. Obviously fake reviews with fake names. Some people are so shady, it’s like the want to be caught.

We wanted to point this scam out for anyone who may be considering the service. Sites like these are meant to prey on desperation. All it takes for an appeal is to send Amazon an email. You don’t need to pay a lawyer, or anyone for that matter. Definitely not Seller-Services.

More info on Amazon Flex appeals here:

Amazon Flex Terminated Tuesday – #3 Appeals

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