Flex SwagFlex Swag

Who’s Ready to Make $25+ an Hour Tomorrow? 7/16/18 – Prime Day

Amazon Making It Rain:

With the heat outside I wish they could make it actually rain. But I’m good with more money too. Tomorrow is Prime Day and that means increased delivery volume for… you guessed it, Amazon Flex drivers.

What to Expect:

Expect a lot of available blocks this week. Now is a great time to wait it out for a surge. Amazon has sent out reserve blocks to drivers ahead of the event.


Take full advantage this week and plan to work double shifts. It’s a great opportunity to line those pockets. With increased delivery volume, surge is inevitable. Potential $200 or more a day in 8 hours.

TIP – Grab the earliest block:

Grab the earliest available block this week. That way you can work a double if so inclined. Don’t be afraid to gamble and wait for a surge. Many driver’s schedules are already full with the reserves Amazon sent out.

Good luck this Prime Day week. Be safe and Flex on!

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