Flex SwagFlex Swag

What are “Salt” Packages?

Fake Packages to Catch Drivers Who Steal:

You may have heard of the recent article by Business Insider that details how Amazon is planting fake packages for delivery drivers who are stealing. The packages are empty with fake labels. If the driver fails to return them, Amazon knows to investigate the driver for suspected theft.

Full article here: https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-sets-traps-for-drivers-2018-9

Should Flex Drivers be concerned?

While the article is mainly focused on Amazon’s truck drivers. Flex drivers may also be receiving bogus packages. The word is that Amazon Warehouse employees have whats knows as “Salt” packages. Packages with no real delivery address and they must be returned at the end of the Flex drivers block. If it’s not returned it’ll be assumed that the driver is swiping it.

Amazon Wasting Flex Drivers Time?

So your an honest Flex driver and Amazon is planting fake packages forcing you to return to the warehouse? Quite possibly yes. That’s a very frustrating realization. Considering some drivers may live quite far from the warehouse. We’re not paid for the drive back and the time in traffic.

It is what it is:

Yet another annoyance we Flex drivers simply have to put up with from Amazon. Planting bogus packages and wasting our time. Hopefully their routing algorithm takes our return trip into consideration.

Side note; Remember to always return those packages on time. As always flex on and be safe!

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