Slowber? Yep that’s a word. Not really.. but it is the month of October and it’s slow for Amazon Flex drivers.
Is this the end of Amazon Flex as we know it? Has Jeff finally struck us down with the might and fury of a tyrannical billionaire. Or have the vans finally absorbed all of the Flex demand. Oh Mr. Bezos please spare us!
The calm before the Storm:
Remain calm. October is always a slow month for Flex drivers. The theory goes that everyone is waiting to shop until after Thanksgiving, to get in on those sweet, sweet deals. Save you will.. if you wait.
Where the Blocks at Tho?
Come they will.. in the month of November. Ok I’ll stop doing Yoda now. Take it easy this month. For in November! WE SHALL BATHE OURSELVES IN THE SWEAT OF OUR LABORS.
Whew.. sorry, that got out of hand. What I meant to say is it’s going to be the Holidays soon and people going to be shopping and dropping. That means more work for us, surge, and multiple blocks a day. Don’t be discouraged by the slowness of October. It’ll pick up soon.
Be safe and Flex on!