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Flexing in 2019 – Back to the Grind

The holidays are over and the Flex blocks are getting increasingly less impressive by the day. What was once a plethora of increased rate blocks are turning into normal rate scarcity blocks. What does the new year have in store for us Flex drivers and how to prepare for the competition?

You may have noticed that over the holidays Amazon brought on a bunch of new drivers, and even then there was plenty of blocks to choose from. But now that the demand for drivers is dwindling and more drivers having their hands in the cookie jar. What are we seasoned veterans to do?

Back to the tap

That’s right, no more waking up whenever you feel like and grabbing an increased rate block. Those days are long gone. It’s time to ready those fingers and get back to the tapathon. Get up early and give yourself a competitive edge in order to get those blocks.

Join Local Flex driver Facebook Groups

There’s always useful information in the Flex driver Facebook groups, like when blocks are available, the best times to tap, and more. Also usually some pretty hilarious banter going on between drivers that you won’t want to miss. Go to Facebook and join your local flex driver groups.

Get Flex Utility

Shameless promotion incoming! Flex Utility is an app made by us here at Flex Swag. It allows you to filter blocks and a bunch of other useful features. It’s NOT an auto-tapper, but it’ll make your tapping experience much more bearable. Check it out free @

Take the normal rates

I normally would never say this but when the blocks start to dwindle, it’s probably a good time to go ahead and accept those normal rates.

Double Up

If you’re able, you can always try to get the earliest block available and when your done, you might be lucky enough to grab another block. Sure it’s more work, but that just means more money!

Remember the good ol’ days

I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t always had the best attitude when working for Flex. Driving long hours really does take it’s toll, and we Flex drivers have to put up with a lot of crap.

To those veteran drivers out there who are like me, experiencing Flex burnout. Take a second to remember the good old days when you first started this gig. The times when it was fun and exciting. Lastly remember, there’s not a whole lot of gigs out there that provide the freedom of Amazon Flex.

Appreciate you, Flex on!

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