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Porch Piracy Paranoid Propaganda

If you’re a delivery driver that’s all you hear about is porch piracy and how bad it is, but is it really? How many packages have YOU had stolen from your porch? How many people do you know who have had packages stolen? For me the answer is close to none. Are porch pirates really as rampant as it’s made to seem? or is this a case of paranoid propaganda?

Lets investigate!

The All Seeing Eye

That’s right! We’re going full tin foil hat conspiracy with this one. First of all let’s take a look at the profiteers of the Porch Pirate Propaganda Agenda and see why anyone would want to make it seem worse than it is.

This image comes from Blink, an Amazon company, where they declared November to be Package Theft Awareness Month. Well, now.. that’s interesting, the same people who sell the solution to the problem are the ones reporting the statistics.

Interesting Stat! – Global Home Security Market to Be Worth $47.5B by 2020 

Wait a second.. something seems fishy here. The same company that reports on the so called “growing” porch pirate problem are the same ones who stand to profit potentially BILLIONS of dollars? What could possibly go wrong?

Let’s dig deeper!

RING Doorbell Acquisition

Amazon recently made a ONE BILLION dollar deal with RING, a doorbell camera start-up. With that amount of money invested, I think we can clearly say that Amazon would greatly benefit from pushing porch pirate paranoia as a real problem.

But is it Real?

Maybe Amazon are the good guys here, and they dropped a billion dollars because they really care about preventing package theft. Or maybe… just maybe, they’re pushing a false narrative where no package is safe on a porch. Creating a problem so that they can sell the solution.

Where’s the Stats?

This might come as a shocker but guess what? There are no unbiased package theft statistics. Like Family Feud surveying 100 people to decide what’s on the board, package theft reports operate the same way.

They call a bunch of people and ask if they’ve had a package stolen, and do an analysis based on that. And the company behind the phone call? You guessed it, Blink an Amazon Company.

It’s All a Bunch of Hype

Porch piracy is no more of a “growing problem” than car theft, purse snatchers, and other petty crimes. While these things DO happen, and it’s unfortunate. It is by no means a rampant problem.

It’s clear that Amazon stands to profit from pushing paranoia, and conveniently, they report the statistics on the issue.

Is package theft really a problem? I say NO! And we shouldn’t allow corporations with invested interest to tell us what to be worried about.

Remember this. If someone stands to profit from a problem, the problem is probably BS, especially when the solution is sold by the those pushing the narrative.

Relax America! Feel like porch piracy is a real issue? Let me know in the comments. Appreciate it. Flex on.

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