So you want to deliver some groceries and it’s your first time attempting an Amazon Flex Whole Foods block? I found myself in a similar situation this week. Being the worrying type that I am, I started to have all kinds of concerns go through my head. Of course, as usual my first Whole Foods block went just fine. In this post I’m going to list the concerns I had and how it all worked out.
What Time Do I Leave? Where Do I Go?
The app will prompt you to leave and give navigation directions an hour before the block starts. You don’t have to leave this early, since you check in 15 minutes before the start of the block.
I had a block for 6:30, I wasn’t sure what time I needed to leave or where I’d be going. My irrational fears began to fester. At 5:30 I checked the app, it had directions to the store and where I should park and wait for the block to begin, simple. I was able to check in at 6:15.
Where are the Packages Going to Be?
In the training video it tells you that the packages, or groceries in this case will be somewhere in the store depending on the layout. That’s not very helpful and makes someone like me worry. I thought, what If I can’t find the spot where the packages are? I’ll have to actually ask someone?
I really don’t like being the new guy who has to ask a ton of questions, so I was hoping I wouldn’t need to do that for my first grocery block. But I did end up asking a nice person where the Amazon pick-up was.

The moment I walked into the store I saw a guy with a cart full of bags like in the image above. I knew he was a delivery guy like myself and he directed me to where the packages are.
Having arrived early I had time to scope the place out, I walked back to the spot and all the packages were nice and organized there. Whew! Okay, got rid of that irrational fear. I headed back to my car at the waiting location until check in time.
I’ve Checked in Now What?
In my case I had to wait for an hour before deliveries were assigned to me. I ended up jamming my phone into my steering wheel to hold it up, leaned the driver seat back, and watched Netflix for an hour.
Being new, I kept checking and refreshing the app every 10 minutes or so. It just kept telling me to wait. After an hour in I figured surely it will make a sound if there’s deliveries.
Sure enough, midway into my movie my phone started to make noises. I’ve got deliveries! The app read that I need to go scan 6 “packages” all going to the same location. It even had the shelf numbers indicating exactly where the packages will be.
I go back to the spot I scoped out earlier. Sure enough all my packages are where the app said they would be on the shelves there. Sweet! I scan them all, double, triple check that I have them all and everything is ready.
I put all the groceries into my cart (Don’t forget to grab a grocery cart!) and head back to my car. Once I get outside I realize I parked way too far away from the store, but that’s where the Amazon app sent me. So I push my cart all the way to the car in the freezing cold. Luckily it wasn’t one of those carts where the wheels lock up. I load the packages, and the Flex app is ready to navigate me to the delivery location.
What If I Need to Check ID?
Sometimes you’ll be delivering alcohol with these Whole Foods blocks (Don’t Drink It!) and you’ll need to check and scan the person’s ID. The training videos show you how to deal with this, but it still had my anxiety going through the roof.
Sure enough on my first grocery block I had to scan the customers ID. In order to do this you first need to scan all the packages. Then the app will prompt you to scan ID. It’s a very simple process, you choose the ID type, in my case Drivers License, then flip the ID over and scan the code on the back.
Badabing badaboom! My first Whole Foods block was a success. BUT… There’s one thing that you definitely need to invest in if you plan to do these blocks.
Get a Grocery Cart!
My first delivery was to an apartment on the third floor. I had to make two trips to bring the customer all their stuff. It was not convenient and I was breathing heavily by the end of it.
One thing the videos do not tell you is that you’ll be lugging heavy groceries and packs of soda around. But this should have probably been assumed. You will definitely want to invest in a cart like in the image below for this gig!

Don’t Worry!
If you’re thinking about trying a Whole Foods block just go for it! We all have irrational fears when doing new things. You’ll be fine, but seriously, get a cart, those bags are heavy!
Good luck. Be safe and Flex on!