This guide assumes you’re a total beginner with Flex Utility and you’ve never used the app before. Welcome! Let’s learn how to set up the app and get started. I’ll try to keep it as concise and detailed as possible.
It’s absolutely required that the accessibility service be enabled for the app to work. Here’s how to do it.

In the app click the menu top right, select Accessibility Settings. It will take you to the settings screen.

Scroll down to Installed services and tap on it.

Then find and tap on Flex Utility Premium.

Then click the switch to turn the service on.

Press OK to accept and then the service will turn on. Nice! Now we’re ready to set up the filters and preferences. You can confirm that the Accessibility service is on in the app’s side menu.

Set Up Filters
Now we’ll set up the filters. This lets the app know which blocks you want to accept. If you have no preferences you can leave them blank for ANY block. Let’s begin.
Station Code Filter

The station filter is very easy to set up. Simply enter your preferred station codes into the filter and the app will only attempt to accept blocks with these station codes. You can put as many as you want. Separate each station code with a comma.
Common Mistake: One common issue is for users to put a leading comma at the end on the filter. This will count as a blank entry which means ANY block. Do not put a comma at the end of the filter.
Requirements: You must enter the station codes as they appear on the Flex app, case sensitive.
Hours Filter

If you only want to accept blocks of a certain length you use the hours filter. Simply put in the desired block lengths into the filter separated with a comma. Do not leave a comma at the end. In the above example the app will only attempt to accept blocks that are 3, 4 , and 4.5 hours long.
Start Time Filter

If you want blocks that start within a certain time you use the time filter. There are several ways to set it up. One of the easiest ways is to enter your desired times as seen above. In this example the app will only attempt to accept blocks that start from 10:00 to 12:59.

If you want to be more specific you can enter exact times. In this example the app will only attempt to accept blocks that start exactly at 10:30 AM or 1:15 PM.
Military (24HR) Time Format: For military time users you would put 10:30, 13:15

You can also input a range of times as shown above. This method uses a strict format. You must enter it exactly as show but of course the times can be changed to what suits you. In this example the app will only attempt to accept blocks that start from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Military (24HR) Time Format: If you use military time on your phone you would enter [10:00 – 13:00] for range.
Pay Filter

If you want blocks that pay a certain amount or above you use the pay filter. This filter allows you to enter a greater than amount as shown above. This means the app will only attempt to accept blocks that pay 50 or more. If you use greater than you should only have that one entry in the filter, no commas.

Or you can enter exact amounts into the filter. In this example the app will only attempt to accept blocks that pay exactly $55, $60, or $70.
Independent Swipe
This feature admittedly has a confusing name. This is because we didn’t want to use the term Automatic Swipe because that would give the wrong impression of the app. However that’s basically what this feature is, BUT you still have to tap the overlay!

Toggle this feature on and the app will swipe anytime the “Swipe to Accept” button is on the screen. This allows for a quick and reactive swipe when the button appears. However if you want to decline blocks be sure to turn this off.
Block Log
This feature saves block information to a log. There are three options: Log blocks that match station filter, log all blocks, or off (don’t log).

Block log is useful for keeping track of when certain blocks drop throughout the day. It’s also useful for seeing which block you missed when they flash by too fast to read. Block logs can be exported to be used in spreadsheets for advanced analysis.

If you open the side menu you’ll see some options here. We won’t worry about Advanced for now. It’s not meant to be messed with unless you’re having issues. Let’s take a look at the theme and customization options. Open the menu and select Theme Options, then tap on Themes.

You should now see this screen. The default overlay button is rather small, it’s meant to be that way so that it takes up minimal space. However if you prefer a bigger button you can select Extra Large or even XXL. Go ahead and play around with these to see which one you like the most. After you select a theme press the check button to set it.
Change the Button Position

If you would like to change the overlay button’s position on the screen we can do that using Overlay Button Y Axis. This represents the pixels from the bottom of the phone screen where the button is placed. 300 pixels from the bottom is the default. You can set it to 0 and the button will be placed at the very bottom of your screen. Feel free to play around with this, you can always set it back to 300 if you prefer the default.
All Set
With this information you are prepared to begin using Flex Utility Premium to its fullest potential. I hope that it helps you get more blocks.
Appreciate it!