I wish I could say that you seen it here first, but actually these images come from the Amazon Flex Drivers subreddit. If you don’t follow that community I highly recommend it. It’s a great resource for Flex drivers.
Flex Vest
A blue and black reflective vest with Amazon branding is reportedly being handed out for free at some warehouses. Many drivers have wanted something like this for a long time. Others are not so excited about the idea.
As independent contractors we have no obligation to wear these while out delivering. Some drivers that I’ve talked to have expressed that advertising you’re an Amazon driver is a bad idea because it could potentially make you a target for package thieves. While that may be true, I’m willing to accept that risk, because not wearing a vest has it’s own challenges.

As Ice T said and as many Flex drivers know it’s no fun to enter a customers property 40 to 50 times a day in an unmarked car and casual clothing. Inevitably you will get some very strange looks and they to might have almost “shot a MF creeping up to their crib”, or at least thought about it.
That’s a risk I wont take and that’s why I recommend Flex drivers embrace the new branded vest. There’s a lot of Ice T’s out there ready to bust a cap.