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Amazon Flex – Screenshot Please

If you’re a part of any Amazon Flex driver groups on Facebook then you’re familiar with “Screenshot Please”. If not, this is where a driver request a screenshot of another drivers Amazon Flex app who works in the same region. This happens multiple times a day and can become a nuisance for Facebook groups.

Why do drivers do this?

It’s long been theorized that Amazon Flex is not treating drivers equally. Similarly to how social media content is “tailored” to you specifically, Amazon seems to be showing offers to some drivers and not others. In short, not all drivers see the same offers even though they work the same region.

Is it true?

It seems to have been proved over the years by drivers who share screenshots and by those who compare their app’s in the real world that we’re not all seeing the same offers.

This has led driver’s to theorize that maybe Amazon is giving new Flex drivers special treatment. Some claim that new drivers get to see all the offers while veterans are snubbed and only get the left overs. This of course is just a theory and there’s no evidence for that.

However it’s true that drivers in the same region may not see the same offers. For example, one driver may have a page full of offers while another has nothing. This seems unfair and as far as we know Amazon has never addressed it properly. Rather they give copy-and-paste responses when questioned.

A new solution

As you may know we like address problems with Amazon Flex by creating our own app’s as a solution. What if there was an app where Flex driver’s could share screenshots with others who work in the same region? With a well designed and easy to use interface. It seems like a good idea considering Facebook groups are getting tired of drivers cluttering up their pages with “Screenshot Please”.


Drivers like to share screenshots of the Flex app with each other but Facebook groups are getting tired of seeing it. There’s even popped up dedicated groups just for sharing screenshots. It doesn’t seem like this trend is going away anytime soon. Instead of Facebook groups maybe there should be an app for that.

Share your thoughts here in the comments and if you have suggestions, ideas, or comments for such an app we’d love to hear it, contact us.

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