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The new Amazon Flex Refresh button and why you shouldn’t panic

The Amazon Flex app’s refresh button has some new behavior that has some driver’s on edge. Now when you press the Refresh button it changes color for about 1 second and you’re not able to press it again until it changes back to it’s normal orange color. It seems this is another attempt by Amazon to set a cool down on how often drivers can refresh the offers.

Don’t Panic!

As many of you probably know the Amazon Flex app has had a cool-down on the refresh button for awhile. We reported on it here back in 2018. Amazon has been attempting to “level the playing field” with minor changes like this for awhile.

The Flex app has had a cool-down on refresh for a very long time. The only difference now with this new behavior is that we can see it happening visually. While before there was no visual indication of it because the refresh button didn’t change. Though it does appear that they may have increased the cool-down time.


Amazon refuses to face the real problems with their app and instead they’ve went and done the usual. Making minor changes to the app’s behavior to make it seem like they’re being proactive. In reality these changes hurt honest driver’s and benefit the script users.

The cool-down on the refresh rate is nothing new, only now we can see it happening visually with the refresh button color change.

Appreciate you, flex on and be safe!

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