Undoubtedly when people are considering a Flex Utility Premium purchase they will type “Is it worth it” into Google. Hopefully that will land them onto this post because I want to encourage everyone to try the Free version first. There’s very good reasons for this, here’s why.
If you have never used Flex Utility Free and you go straight to Premium and pay $21.95 you may go into it with very high expectations. Maybe the app will work well for you on day one and you’ll make that money back right off the bat. Or.. maybe you wont. You may tap and tap for days and all of the blocks are being taken by other drivers. “WHAT THE HECK!” you might say, “I PAID A PREMIUM PRICE FOR THIS APP!” you declare, promptly writing a one star review.
That’s fair actually, I don’t blame you.. BUT
Had you tried the free version first you would have known that even while using Flex Utility you are still going to miss blocks. You would have known that Flex Utility does not automate and you would have had a better understanding of the app’s limitations.
Drivers who go straight to Premium are much more likely to leave a bad review, because they don’t understand the app and it’s not what they expected.
A driver who tries the free version first and then decides on Premium, are usually satisfied customers.
That may sound like a cop-out. I’m not trying to say that the app doesn’t have it’s flaws or that there’s no room for improvement, there certainly is, but Flex Utility is a unique product and your expectations will likely not align with reality. Let’s face it $21.95 is a very high price for an app, but unlike other apps, Flex Utility will help you make that money back and then some, forever.. because it’s only a one time fee.
Should I Buy Flex Utility Premium?
If you can check all of these off the list then maybe, otherwise no:
- I have tried Flex Utility Free
- I have caught at least one block with Flex Utility Free
- I understand that Flex Utility Premium does not automate
- I understand that I am not guaranteed to catch every block with Premium
- I like Flex Utility Free, it has helped me, and I would like to upgrade
This is the Flex Utility Premium buying check list. Please do all of them before deciding on Premium.
What kind of mad-lad would tell people to refrain from spending money on their app? Well, I’m that type of mad-lad because I didn’t create Flex Utility to make money. I created it to help Flex drivers. I don’t want anyone’s money if they are not 100% satisfied with the app. This is why I offer refunds at anytime.
Thank You
Thank you for even considering Flex Utility. I do appreciate it and I do think it can help. Please try the free version first and if you need help contact me at james@flexutility.app
Flex Utility Free: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.flexswag.flexutility
Comments (2)
September 13, 2020 at 5:06 pmDoes this app work on any kind of android such as Samsung or we need to implement on a specific phone forexample “Oneplus”
October 11, 2020 at 8:13 pmIt should work for any device that has Android 7.0 or higher.