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The Power of lily (list utility)

Aside from Tasker and Automate, lily is one of the most powerful Android automation tools on the Google Play store right now. lily scrolls and filters (almost) any app that has a list. A utility for any app! Use it where ever you need it.

That said, with such power comes increased complexity. The app is more complex and difficult to understand than I would like it to be. With user feedback we can fine tune this to be THE most powerful and easy to use Android automation tool.

Join the open beta: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=listutility

Each app element explained:

It’s a little difficult to articulate the value of this app. There’s really nothing else out there to compare it too. Here’s a couple of images that (tries to) explain every part of the app:



Now with Swipe!

In the latest update you can setup and set the app to do a swipe after a filter match. How to: https://i.imgur.com/2YCQVUe.png


There aren’t any tutorials for the app at the moment. I’ll try to get those out soon. For now, give the app a shot and let me know if you need help.

Appreciate it!

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