Flex Swag

Bird Scooter Fleet Manager – Potential Side Gig

Amazon Flex is great and in my opinion it’s the best gig out there, but it’s not without it’s share of issues and annoyances. I think it’s always good to have other gigs as a back up for when you’re tired of Amazon Flex or when there’s no good blocks available.

For that reason I’m always on the lookout for other types of interesting gigs out there. The more obscure and not as well known the better. We all know about Uber, Lyft, and the like.. there’s no reason to make a blog post about those.

Eventually, a gig better than Amazon Flex will come around and I want to make sure that you and I know about it as soon as possible. That’s why I’ll be trying to make regular posts like these to share obscure and potential side gigs that we can do along with Amazon Flex.

Today we’ll be talking about Bird Scooter’s fleet manager program. Unlike the ‘Bird scooter charger‘ gig, where you drive around, pick up, charge, and deploy scooters; Bird Fleet manager is a little more interesting and may be more profitable as well.

Bird Fleet Manager

I personally haven’t done this gig and I just discovered it today but I think it’s interesting and I’ve signed up. I’m not an affiliate and I won’t get anything if you decide to sign up.

From my interpretation of the Fleet Manager web-page it works something like this:

When you become a Fleet Manager you basically become a partner with Bird Scooters. They assign you a certain amount of scooters to manage, anywhere from 25-100 maybe more or less. As fleet manager you will have the responsibility of charging, repairing, cleaning, and deploying the scooters around your city. You will make money when people take rides on your scooters (through the Bird app).

Bird will take a percentage of your profits because they provide the app, permits, insurance, scooters, etc. In fact, you won’t own the scooters that are assigned to you. Bird will still own the scooters but it’ll be your job to take care of them. This way, you’ll have an incentive to take good care of the scooters because you want people to actually take rides on them otherwise you won’t be making any money.

There would also be some strategy involved since it’s your job to deploy the scooters. You get to decide where to put them and you’d want to put them strategically in the places where people would be most likely to take a ride.

That’s pretty neat! but will it be profitable? I can’t speak on that since I haven’t actually been a fleet manager myself or done extensive research into it. I think it’s an interesting potential gig / job for Amazon Flex drivers to look into.

Apparently it’s risk free to start out. Just make sure that the scooters that you’re assigned don’t get severely damaged. Which may be easier said than done because some riders treat scooters very poorly. It’s not uncommon for people to straight up destroy them for no reason at all. That’s a definite risk to consider.

I’m sure there’s a lot more to it that I’m not covering, but that’s basically the gig in a nutshell from what I’ve read.

Check it out here: https://www.bird.co/fleet-manager/

Appreciate it!

If you know of any good and not so well known side gigs please share, thanks.

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