Trying a new block type can be intimidating. You’ve watched all of the videos in the Amazon Flex app, you’ve searched online about what to expect but the nerves are still there. You definitely don’t want to start off with the hardest block on the first go.
It may be tempting to grab a 2 hour Wholefoods block on the first try since those are the ones that make the most money usually, but if you want to start on easy-mode I recommend grabbing an early morning 1 to 1.5 hour block. These blocks are typically super easy and it’s unlikely that you’ll have any alcohol deliveries, so no worries about scanning ID’s.
On your first Wholefoods block you may notice that the other drivers are very fast at getting their bags. Don’t try to match their pace. You typically have plenty of time make your deliveries, so there’s no reason to rush. Take your time and get familiar with how the process works. You will get faster naturally.
Don’t Overly Stack Your Cart
You may also notice that the other drivers will stack bags in their carts like the leaning Tower of Pisa, seemingly with no regard for if the customers groceries get crushed or not. I don’t recommend that you do this. Stack the bags how you feel comfortable, but if you have to make multiple runs to your car and back in the store that’s okay.
Don’t try to fill 4 carts and bring them all out at the same time like some kind of grocery cart train either. There’s no reason for it. Again, you have plenty of time especially on the 1 to 1.5 hour early morning blocks.
Do it Your Way
Do it your way how you feel comfortable. Don’t try to match the pace of the other drivers. They’ve likely been doing it for a long time. You’ll get there and your speed will be super quick but you’ll soon realise there’s not much need for it, being fast usually only results in you having to drive back to the store and wait in the parking lot until your block is over.
Once you reach a customers location and it’s time to make a delivery remember to take your time. Don’t try to bring all 15 bags up to their door at once. Just grab what you can carry and make multiple trips from your car to the porch.
Trust me, with this mind set of “chilling the hell out” you’ll have a better time on your first Wholefoods block. It’s not a race.
Early morning Wholefoods blocks are usually easy to get because the other drivers are still sleeping. They’re usually super easy to complete and it’s a great way to get acquainted with how it all works. There’s really no reason to rush or be nervous. Take your time and don’t worry about the pace of other drivers. Breathe and do it your way, it’s not a competition. Just chill and enjoy the drive.
Hope this helps. Appreciate it. Be safe and Flex on!