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Amazon Flex – Package Not Received: Don’t Take it Personal

Too often you will see new and even experienced Amazon Flex drivers posting about how they received the dreaded “Package Not Received” email. Many drivers seem to take this as a personal insult, as if Amazon is accusing them of being a thief.

The truth is “package not received” claims are inevitable, especially for new drivers. When you receive one of these emails you may be tempted to respond to it and state your case. This would simply be a waste of energy. As drivers, there is absolutely nothing that we can do to counter these claims.

But I Took a Picture!

The pictures that you take when delivering are not a proof that you made the delivery and it will not protect you. These pictures are so that the customer can have an idea of where the package was left, so that they have an easier time finding it.

Don’t Bother Responding

Responding to these claims is an absolute waste of time. Too often I see drivers who get angry and end up sending a long regretful email that ends up getting them deactivated. Just let it go and work on improving your deliveries so that you can avoid these claims.

If you do respond, expect them to respond back like this:


  1. Don’t bother hiding the packages

When I first started I would go out of my way to hide the packages. This resulted in several “Package Not Received” claims. Once I stopped trying to hide them, the claims stopped. Customers don’t want to go on a treasure hunt to find their package. Do your best to make sure that they’re not visible from the street but don’t go out of your way to hide them. If there’s no where to put it where it’s not visible from the street then just leave it at the door, knock, and leave.

2. Triple check address and names

Don’t just look at the numbers on the packages. When you spend 3+ hours looking at numbers you may be like me and tend to zone out. Then you’ll make mistakes. Also check that the names on the package match the name on the app. Triple check the house number and the number on the package while your walking up to make sure they match.

3. Don’t rush and don’t stress

Take it one package at a time. I know how it is when you have a car full of packages and the route is overwhelming. Take a chill pill and allow yourself to have fun while doing the job. You’ll get it done eventually and being stressed will only make you more likely to make mistakes.

Returning Packages

I’ve worked Flex for 4 years and I never return packages because there’s “No Safe Place” to leave it. You’re not being paid enough to run packages back to the warehouse. If there’s “no safe place”, my advice is to just leave it at the door. I only return packages when they’re undeliverable, like a closed business or locked community with no access code.

This has worked well for me but if you’re frequently delivering to bad neighborhoods you may want to consider returning them.


It’s no fun getting the “Package delivered but not received” email from Amazon. Many drivers on social media and Flex driver online communities tend to take it personal and go on a long exchange of emails about it. I’ve never seen anyone be able to get these claims overturned in their favor. In these cases, Amazon will side with the customer every time.

They won’t give you any specifics about which delivery went missing and the picture does not protect you. It’s better to accept that packages going missing is inevitable and work on improving your deliveries to avoid the issue. Trying to fight it is a waste of time and energy.

Appreciate it!

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