Flex Swag

Using AI to Help Create an Appeal Letter and Get Reactivated on Amazon Flex

As Amazon Flex driver Nelson wakes up early in the morning and wipes the sleep from his eyes, he peers at his phone and notices an email notification. It’s an email from Amazon Flex, he taps it expectantly and his heart sinks by what he reads.

We’re writing to let you know that due to violation(s) of the Amazon Flex independent contractor terms of service Amazon is hereby terminating your account. As a result you are no longer eligible to participate in the Amazon Flex program and won’t be able to log into the app.”

Having moved to the United States from Mexico with his family legally Nelson doesn’t speak English that well and struggles to draft an appeal letter to get his account reinstated. Amazon Flex was his primary means to provide for his family and he’s desperate to get his account back.

This is the story of many drivers who have been deactivated from Amazon Flex. They become desperate to get their accounts reinstated and they may fall into the trap of getting scammed by someone promising to reactivate their account for a fee on Instagram. Next thing they know their out hundreds of dollars, deactivated from Flex, and no way to provide for their families. It doesn’t help that they struggle with English and can’t get a human response back from Amazon Flex support.

Over the years we have received several emails from Amazon Flex drivers asking us to help them form an appeal letter. Since this is such a time consuming task there’s no way we can respond to them all. With recent developments and breakthroughs in artificial intelligence there may be a better and quicker way to draft an appeal letter. We’ll show you how to get started.


ChatGPT is an incredibly sophisticated chatbot that has been used to successfully dispute parking tickets, create novels, websites, and more. You can even make the AI act as a lawyer and give legal advice. With such sophistication we can surely use it to help us write a compelling appeal letter for Amazon Flex that will trigger a human response back from support.

Getting Started

First sign up here to get started using ChatGPT: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/

An account is required to use the service but it’s completely free. When you’re done signing up click on the “Try ChatGPT” button.

Then you’ll see a page that looks like this:

On this page you’ll enter a prompt at the bottom. This is how you’ll communicate with the chat-bot and tell it what kind of text that you want generated. In our case we want to form a professional, honest and compelling appeal letter to get our Amazon Flex accounts reinstated.

Try entering this prompt:

I want you to act as an Amazon Flex driver. Write an honest, convincing, and compelling appeal letter to Amazon Flex support explaining why you were wrongly deactivated and should be reinstated.

Here’s a snippet of the output we received from ChatGPT:

Read the full letter here. Feel free to use this text to help form your own appeal.

The output we received from ChatGPT was good and could even be copy and pasted without many changes. However it may help to tweak it a bit so that it’s more tailored to your personal situation.

Appeal Tips and Mistakes

When drivers are deactivated they tend to respond in the heat of the moment and get very defensive. They end up writing an appeal letter that is heated and full of emotion. They express how upset they are with Amazon and don’t take any responsibility. This will usually result in a automated response and won’t help with being reinstated.

Instead, start by taking responsibility for your shortcomings. If you were wrongly deactivated then explain the situation calmly and honestly.

When trying to come up with a prompt for ChatGPT be sure to add any personal details about why you were deactivated, this way the output will apply more specifically to your situation. Here’s an example:

I want you to act as an Amazon Flex driver who was recently deactivated for missing too many blocks. Write an appeal letter to Amazon Flex support explaining how a family emergency prevented you from arriving on time for your most recent block.

As you can see we added specific details to the prompt this time and the output was more relevant:


Artificial Intelligence is getting exponentially better and we are living in a time where we can use AI as tools. ChatGPT is able to generate relevant and detailed text that’s being used to help with a number of complicated task. By simply entering a prompt we’re able to generate an honest and compelling appeal letter that we can tailor to a specific situation.

Amazon Flex drivers who aren’t fluent in English can use this service to help them draft a coherent appeal. The letters generated by ChatGPT take responsibility and help explain why a driver should be reinstated. Taking responsibility and being honest can go a long way and it’s much better then sending a heated and defamatory email. ChatGPT is a great way to get started forming an appeal.

We encourage Amazon Flex drivers to utilize ChatGPT and other AI tools. These tools are going to get much more powerful and useful as time goes on. Familiarize yourself with them now and use them to leverage productivity.

Appreciate it. Be safe and Flex on!

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