Flex Utility – Google Play Closed Beta Roll-out Sign Up

After months of testing, fixing bugs, and optimizing the app we are ready for a…

Amazon Flex Logistics – Apartments

The do's and the don'ts of the dreaded Amazon Flex apartment deliveries. Why are they…

FlexUtility Development Halt – Rewrite in Progress

We've learned so much in the process of creating FlexUtility. Including better ways to build…

Flex Utility Latest Features Video with Commentary

Demonstration video of the latest Flex Utility features including Prime Now and Logistics toggle. [video…

FlexUtility Settings Screen – Video with Commentary

The final settings screen is ready and functional. Filter between Prime Now and Logistics. Easily…

FlexUtility Toggle Implemented – Final Testing Phase

FlexUtility now has the ability to toggle between Prime Now and Logistics. These toggles when…

FlexUtility Demo Video

Our accessibility app for Amazon Flex is making serious progress. Check out the video to…

FlexUtility progress – Settings page and working options

With days and days of trail and error we've finally figured out how to implement…

FlexUtility App – Release Soon!

Excited to announce we will be releasing our app FlexUtility on the Google Play store…

Testing phase: Part 2 – Flex Utility Service App Progress

Our app FlexUtility, or at least that's what we're calling it for now, is making…