Amazon Flex Route Optimization – Optimize Your Blocks Easily with Routerra

Have you ever been delivering for Amazon Flex and midway through you realize that your…

AI Amazon Flex block grabber is Flex cooked?
A New Wave of Amazon Flex Bots Are on the Way

A couple of days ago Anthropic released Computer Use, an AI model that can control…

Amazon Flex Are Blocks Really Random?
The Illusion of Chance: Are Amazon Flex Routes Really Random?

It's an age-old question that gets asked year after year: "Are the Amazon Flex routes…

Amazon Flex bot over phone
Amazon Flex Bots Are Getting Blasted!

A Rough Week for Amazon Flex Bot Users Amazon Flex drivers who rely on bots…

Amazon Flex Block Cancellations and the Golden Email
The Amazon Flex Golden Email and Block Cancellations

Imagine you've got a block scheduled for tomorrow and you don't really feel like working…

Meet FREN – Your Personal Flex Reinstatement Eligibility Negotiator

You've surely seen the endless spam comments in all caps about how some random guy…

Rabbit R1 Review Flex Swag
I Got My Rabbit R1 – Can It Catch Flex Blocks?

The Rabbit R1, a cute little bright orange box with an AI inside that you…

Could the Rabbit R1 Be Used as an Amazon Flex Block Grabber?

You may have seen this sleek little orange device around the internet lately. The Rabbit…

Sneaker Reselling for Flex Drivers
Flex Drivers: Boost Your Income with AI-Powered Sneaker Reselling

Let's cut the crap. You're a Flex driver, and you're tired of the low pay…

Amazon Flex CAPTCHA Rat Race Jeff Bezos
The Amazon Flex CAPTCHA Rat Race

How quickly can you get the piece of cheese? Getting work in the Amazon Flex…