Where do I get my Amazon Flex vest? And should I buy one from eBay?

I've had a lot of drivers ask about where they can get their blue (official)…

Post an article on Flex Swag and get paid up to $100

I'm looking for some fresh new content to add to this site. To be honest,…

My Best Investment for Amazon Flex Driving and Peace of Mind

I've been doing Amazon Flex for awhile and I've bought lots of different products that…

Is Flex Utility Premium Worth It? Yes, but Try The Free Version First

Undoubtedly when people are considering a Flex Utility Premium purchase they will type "Is it…

Today I learned: Amazon Flex is Doing Deliveries from Food Banks

With so much of the media being on the "Jeff Bezos hate bandwagon" you rarely…

The best face coverings for Amazon Flex drivers to wear in the heat

*Update December 3rd: Amazon recently updated their mask rules. The temperature is rising along with…

The new Amazon Flex Refresh button and why you shouldn’t panic

The Amazon Flex app's refresh button has some new behavior that has some driver's on…

Inactive Amazon Flex Driver – Will I be Deactivated?

I haven't worked Amazon Flex in over two months now. It feels like forever ago.…

In silly new “Safety Procedure” – Amazon tells Flex drivers to take their temperature before starting a shift

In the latest email sent out to Flex delivery contractors Amazon has announced what many…

List of Coronavirus Executive Orders by State

We encourage Amazon Flex drivers who are financially impacted and whose ability to work has…