Incentive for Some:
Others get nothing. Amazon… Did you ever go to grade school? You know that you have to bring enough cookies for the whole class right? Apparently not. This upcoming Prime Day Amazon sent out emails to drivers letting us know to “Get Ready”. Some drivers even get the added incentive of a chance to win a $50 dollar gift card by working that day. While others have no such incentive. What the hell Amazon?
To the left is the email I received and to the right is the one other drivers have received:
None for You!
I’m not even mad Amazon. I’m disappointed. What exactly is the criteria to receive the email on the right? Why are some drivers excluded from the chance to win a $50 dollar gift card? It honestly seems childish.
Based on driver comments there seems to be no logic behind the emails. New to veteran drivers have reported receiving either one of the emails. It was speculated at first that maybe the incentive was for new driver’s, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The incentive is random.
Or is it…
We don’t know. Probably. Amazon, you should be ashamed. For the drivers that received the incentive, I genuinely hope you win. Good luck and be safe.