How to Start Delivering for Amazon Flex

So you want to become an Amazon Flex driver? Great! It's really simple. When you…

Never Done a Wholefoods Block? Try Early Morning to Get Acquainted

Trying a new block type can be intimidating. You've watched all of the videos in…

Unwritten Amazon Flex Driver Agreement – Sort Your Packages Outside the Warehouse!

As Amazon Flex drivers it's every man and women for themselves, survival of the fittest!…

The One Package at a Time Rule

Amazon Flex can be very overwhelming at times. Sometimes a driver may want to break…

Amazon Flex – First Whole Foods Block

So you want to deliver some groceries and it's your first time attempting an Amazon…

Flexing in 2019 – Back to the Grind

The holidays are over and the Flex blocks are getting increasingly less impressive by the…

Avoid Termination – Follow Warehouse Rules!

Know the rules and follow them New drivers make sure that you are aware of…

Sorting through a Million Packages – Amazon Flex Logistics

Not really a million. Some days it sure does feel like. Sorting through packages can…

Amazon Flex – Burn Out – How to avoid it

While Amazon Flex is the best gig ever. Make no mistake, it's hard work. Searching…