Flex Utility Premium – Major Update

The Ultimate Flex Driver's Utility Tool: Faster Swipe Filter Blocks by Station Codes Filter Blocks…

Amazon Flex Driver Trick – Airplane Mode

Get in the Zone: Have you ever been in the situation where you're at the…

Flex Utility – Latest Features Video Demo and How to Use the App

Flex Utility - The Better Way This video covers the latest features of the app…

Flex Utility Update – What’s New

Flex Utility - Non-Premium The non-premium version of Flex Utility is the version of our…

What are “Salt” Packages?

Fake Packages to Catch Drivers Who Steal: You may have heard of the recent article…

Flex Utility – Open Beta on Google Play

You ever wished there was an easier, better way to get blocks? If only you…

Amazon Flex – A Disaster?

In a recent piece by Vice News, they follow a couple who do Amazon Flex…

Prime Day Bust – Amazon.com Website Crashes During Event

Bad news for shoppers and Amazon Flex drivers. The moment Prime Day began the landing…

Who’s Ready to Make $25+ an Hour Tomorrow? 7/16/18 – Prime Day

Amazon Making It Rain: With the heat outside I wish they could make it actually…

Route Rabbit App – One Click Copy and Paste to Maps

The Route Rabbit App: One click copy and paste addresses automatically into your favorite navigation…