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Signed up for Flex – On-boarding Complete – No Offers? Here’s Why

Once you get the background check complete and everything is set up and ready to go, it’s time to get to work right? Unfortunately not. It’s common for new Flexer’s to wait anywhere from a couple weeks to a month before offers start popping up. This can be really frustrating for new guys expecting to get to work. Especially if you’ve got bills coming up.

The reasoning for the delay is speculation. The consensus is that once you get all signed up and pass everything, you become a part of a “pool” of new drivers. Once the market in your area starts needing drivers, or a bunch of people get deactivated for some reason, you will be activated and start seeing offers. It took about a month for me to start seeing them as well. This is common with Amazon and not much we can do about it except wait.

In the mean time we wrote a few articles that can help you prepare for when you do get started:

Best mileage tracking apps for Flex

Five common mistakes new Flexer’s make

Learn some of the common Amazon Flex terms and different types of work you’ll be doing

Night delivery tips

Get started with Instant Offers

11 tips to keep from being deactivated from an Amazon Escalations insider 

Customers have cameras – What not to do

Kick those nerves! Amazon Flex is fun

Where to get the Flex App

Any questions drop them below in the comments. Appreciate ya!



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